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moving without Ark

moving without Ark, mobile does not work

a drove I’ve snatched away, that I may shepherd it
I drive off even the male ass of fatherless boys
I seize the widow’s bull as a pledge
I turn aside the poor ones from the way
moving back boundary marks; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord

so the afflicted-of-the earth have kept themselves hidden
as zebras in the wilderness I’ve gone looking for food
the desert plain gives to me bread for my daughter
and the vineyard of-the wicked one I hastily despoil
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

naked, I pass the night without a garment
and without-any c o v e ring in the cold
from the rainstorm-of-the mountains I get drenched
because there’s no shelter I have to hug a rock
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

I snatch-away a fatherless boy-even- from the breast
and what’s-on-the-afflicted one-I take as a pledge
naked, I have to go-about without a garment
and, hungry, I have to carry the r e a p ed ears
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

between the terrace walls I pass the noontime
winepresses I have to tread and yet I go thirsty
from out of the city the dying keep groaning
and the soul of deadly wounded one cries for help
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

he considers-it-not-as- a n y t h ing improper
as for me, I am among the rebels against light
I did not recognize its ways
and I did not dwell in its roadways
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

at daylight the murderer gets up
proceeding to slay the-afflicted and the poor one
and during the night I become a regular thief
the eye of the adulterer watched for evening darkness
saying, ‘No eye- will behold me!’ and o ver my face I puts a covering.

In the darkness I have dug into houses
by day I must keep myself locked in
I have not known daylight
for morning is the same as deep shadow for me
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

I recognize-what-the sudden terrors of deep shadow are
I’m swift on the surface of the waters
my tract-o– f land wi–ll be cursed in the earth
I will not turn toward the way-of the vineyards
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

the drought, & the heat, snatch away the snow waters
so does She’ol those who have sinned!
the womb will forget me
the maggot will sweetly suck me,- I ‘ll-be remembered no more
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

and unrighteousness will be broken just like a tree
I’m having dealings with a barren woman who does not bear
and I am having dealings with a widow, to whom I do no good
He will certainly draw away strong people by his power
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

that will rise up and not be sure of my life
he will grant me to become confident that I may support myself
and his eyes will be upon my way
I have become-high up-a little while, then I am no more
moving without Ark; mobile does not work in the day of the Lord

I’ve been brought low, like everyone else I am plucked off
like the head-o-f an- ear of grain I am cut off
mobile does not work, in the day of the Lord
mobile does not work, in the day of the Lord
moving without Ark; moving without Ark in the day of the Lord
これは悪者の歌です。ジム・モリソンやニコが、「the end」の中で「killer before the dawn」などと言っているのはヨブ24章からだということに気付いて、その部分を一人称に改める形で歌詞にしてみました。大きな悪と小さな悪しか出てこないところがハードボイルドです。Arkはワゴン車の他に、契約の箱、箱舟、の含みを持たせてあります。「携帯は不能」というところがhatenamixiの主題が続いていることを示しています。