tori kudo

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what if I need speed?


Am                                     C
What     if-I     ne      ver          speed?                    Shall-I 
Or       shall-I  change  my           love?                     For-I 

G                                      E
straight yield    to      desp-        air,                      And   
find     pow'r    to      de-          part,                     And 

Dm/F                                   C
still    on       sor-    row          feed                      That 
in       my       rea-    son          prove                     I 

E                                      A
can      no       loss    re-          pair? 
can      com-     mand    my           heart.

E                Am                  E
But      if      she     will        pi-ty-   my-de-  sire    and 
He       that    once     loves      with-a   true-de sire     ne-    

D/F#             A                   X        D       G 
   my-   love             re-        quite,                   Then 
   ver   can              de-        part,                     For 
X        C       F                   X        D       E 
e-       ver     shall   she         live     my      dear    de-
Cu-      pid     is       the        king     of      ev'-    ry          

X         Am     X        D          X        G       X       C     

light.           Come,               come,            come, 
heart.           Come,               come,            come, 

Am                                   E                A
while-I  have-a  heart   to-de-      sire     thee,           Come,
while-I  have-a  heart   to-de       sire     thee,           Come, 

D        X       G       X           C                Am 
         come,           come,                for     either  I will 
         come,           come,                for     either  I will        

Am               Eus4                A 
love     or-ad-  mire                thee.
love     or-ad   mire                thee.

Am       Em      F        Dm          C                         GAm   
Oft      have-I  dreamed  of          joy,                      Yet-I
Oft      have-I  left     my          hope                      As-a 

G        C       Am       Am          E                         Am  
ne-      ver     felt     the         sweet,                    But
wretch   by      fate     for         lorn,                     But  

Dm/F     C/E     Dm       G           C                         GAm
ti-      red     with     an-         noy,                      My 
Love     aims    at       one         scope,                    And        
E        Esys4                        A
griefs   each-o-          ther        greet.
lost,    will-st ill      re-         turn.